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5 Most Common Causes of Light Pink Discharge

Written by Elizabeth Buescher, Gynecologist

Vaginal discharge plays an important role in the female reproductive system, serving as a housekeeping function that maintains the vagina clean and healthy. The amount and physical characteristics usually depend on the time in your menstrual cycle, and they vary from woman to woman. While occasional spotting between periods is normal and occurs very frequently, light pink discharge may indicate the presence of a more serious underlying condition, such as ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis or cervical erosion.

What does light pink discharge mean and what’s causing it? We’re answering these questions below.

What Does a Light Pink Discharge Mean?

Vaginal mucus discharge occurs as a normal part of every woman’s menstrual cycle, and it’s made up of dead cells, bacteria from the vagina’s bacterial flora and fluids produced by glands inside of the vagina and cervix. Vaginal discharge helps cleanses the vagina by flushing out bacteria and maintaining your vagina’s acidic pH, which prevents infections and thus keeps you healthy.

Normal vaginal discharge is clear or whitish in color, has a consistency ranging from slimy and watery to creamy and pasty, and usually bears no odor. The amount depends solely on the time in your menstrual cycle – while there’s normally very little discharge after period, the amount increases by 30 times during ovulation.

While milky white, yellow, gray or greenish discharge typically occur due to an infection, light pink discharge is caused by more serious conditions. The pinkish color indicates the presence of a small amount of blood in your discharge.

What Causes Thick Light Pink Discharge?

There are several factors that might cause your discharge to be pink. Depending on the underlying cause, pink, bloody discharge may be normal or may be a matter of concern.

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1. Ovulation

The ovulation is the most fertile period of your menstrual cycle, and it usually occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period is supposed to start. When you ovulate, an ovum (or egg) is released from the ruptured follicle. The ovum travels down to the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, ready to be fertilized by sperm cells. Most of the time, women do not experience any symptoms during this process. Some women report abdominal discomfort (known as mittelschmerz) and light pink discharge (commonly referred to as spotting). Other symptoms include breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, increased sex drive and heightened sense of smell, vision and taste. This collection of symptoms is medically known as the ovulatory syndrome.

If you experience light spotting about two weeks before period, don’t panic – it may be just a sign that you’re ovulating.

2. Early Pregnancy

Implantation bleeding is a common occurrence during early pregnancy. During implantation, the fertilized egg migrates to the uterine cavity and embeds into the inner layer of the uterus, medically known as endometrium. As a result, hormone activity increases, and the endometrium becomes well-supplied with blood. When the implantation occurs, slight bleeding may occur. When blood is combined with cervical mucus, the result is light or bright pink discharge. Implantation bleeding happens before your next menstrual cycle, typically the sixth to twelfth-day post fertilization. The spotting can last from a few minutes to a few days, so it’s not uncommon for a pregnant woman to experience light pink discharge instead of period.

If fertilization of the egg did take place, you will likely experience other early pregnancy symptoms as well. These include increased vaginal discharge, cramping, frequent urination, bloating, fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness and heightened sense of smell.

3. After Delivery

Creamy discharge with a light pink color can also happen for a few days after childbirth. This discharge is referred to as lochia, and consists of blood, tissue shed from the lining of the uterus and bacteria. At first, the discharge will have a fair amount of blood in it, so its color will range anywhere from bright red to brownish. However, the amount should decrease a little every day, gradually lightening in color. By two to four days after birth, lochia will be pinkish to watery, becoming white or yellow-white by about ten days after delivery. Lochia usually comes out intermittently in small gushes or flows more evenly depending on each woman.

The bleeding after delivery occurs due to the placenta separating from the uterus, which leaves blood vessels open in the area where it was attached, which results in bleeding. After the placenta is delivered, the uterus continues to contract, which closes off those blood vessels and reduces the bleeding.

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4. Ectopic Pregnancy

Many times, the fertilization of the ovum may occur outside the uterine cavity, in places that are appropriate for further pregnancy. It usually occurs either in the cervix or the fallopian tubes. In this case, very light pink discharge appears along with a missed period. Most of the time, home pregnancy tests will show just one line, indicating that you are not pregnant. Make sure to visit your doctor and do the hCG pregnancy test, and also to make the ultrasound scan of the uterus.

5. Vaginal Infections

A large number of vaginal infections may cause light pink and brown discharge. Common vaginal infections include bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Although they usually cause your discharge to turn yellow, green or gray, they may also result in spotting before period, which may continue for as long as a week after period. Additional symptoms you may experience include a bad odor coming from your vagina, burning during urination, lower abdominal or pelvic pain, conjunctivitis and painful intercourse.

What to Do If You Have Light Pink Discharge?

If you notice abnormal, light pink discharge, you should call your doctor immediately and make an appointment as soon as possible. Your doctor will take a few vaginal swabs and have them analyzed in order to identify a potential infection. She might also do a Pap smear to rule out the possibility of cervical cancer, and screen your uterus to identify a potential ectopic pregnancy. In addition to these, she may take a few urine or blood samples and do a hCG test to see whether you are pregnant.

We urge you not to wait for the discharge to go away on its own. If the underlying cause is serious, waiting will likely worsen it.

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