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Yellow Discharge

Yellow Discharge Before or After Period

Vaginal discharge is normal and usually varies depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation, your vagina produces up to 30 times more discharge than before or after period. The mucus tends to be watery and elastic during that period of your menstrual cycle, which can result in wearing panty liners to avoid wetness on your clothing.

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Thick Yellow Discharge

Paying attention to your vaginal discharge is smart self-care. Normal discharge is described as white or clear, usually without odor, and with consistency depending mostly on the time in your menstrual cycle. Although the amount varies from woman to woman, a woman’s vagina usually produces 2-3 grams of discharge every day.

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Itchy Yellow Discharge

Vaginal discharge is a normal part of vagina’s self-cleaning mechanism, but when it is accompanied by itchiness, unpleasant odor, yellow/greenish color and a thicker consistency, the discharge is no longer normal. Many women mistakenly think of itchy yellow discharge as a symptom of yeast infection (or thrush) or bacterial vaginosis, thinking very little of other potential conditions that might cause it.

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One of women’s most common gynecological complaints is about vaginal discharge. With dozens of commercials for “feminine hygiene products,” vaginal discharge can make you feel like a social outcast. What you probably don’t know is that most women deal with discharge: during pregnancy, before period, but most notably on a day-to-day basis.

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