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Other Symptoms

Normally the duration of periods ranges from 3 to 6 days. This is when the exfoliated endometrial lining, which had been preparing for possible conception in the previous cycle, is discharged through the vagina. In the case, if the period only lasted 2 days, it is appropriate to speak about hypomenorrhea. Physiologically, having a short period is considered normal during hormonal alterations in the organism and intake of hormonal contraceptives. There are 2 congenial and 7 acquired causes or pathological scantiness of periods. [click to continue…]

Normally, around 35-50ml of scarlet or brown blood, possibly with clots, is discharged during a single menstrual cycle. As a rule, it is the volume of blood loss that determines the period blood colors and textures. Causes of heavy periods are almost always pathological. Scanty periods can be determined by two physiological causes, namely perimenopause and intake of oral contraceptives and at least 5 pathological factors. A timely visit to a gynecologist can help in finding out the underlying cause of the pathology. [click to continue…]

Menstrual cycle is a rather regular process, which is controlled by hormones. Each period has an anticipated date, on which it should start. Late period can be associated with intake of hormonal drugs or indicate either to pregnancy or perimenopause. If you are not pregnant, and all other physiological causes are excluded, then you should better consult a specialist in order to fit out other – pathological origins of the delay. [click to continue…]

Vaginal Discharge Without Odor

Abnormal discharge is an abnormal feminine secretion that oftentimes indicates the presence of a vaginal infection caused by a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, or Chlamydia. While most of the time vaginal discharge is normal and happens as a result of the vagina flushing out dead cells and pathogens, there are times when it isn’t, thus putting your reproductive organs at a risk.

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