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Discharge During Pregnancy

Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy

You may notice changes in cervical mucus in early pregnancy that can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Early signs of pregnancy can show up as changes in cervical mucus. Rather than getting a sharp drop in estrogen and progesterone, which triggers the onset of menstruation, the cervical mucus will increase under this hormonal influence and will be thick white cervical mucus.

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Watery Discharge During Pregnancy

“Is watery discharge a sign of pregnancy?”
That’s perhaps the most common question patients ask me, especially if they are very concerned or excited about a potential pregnancy. It’s quite easy to distinguish normal watery discharge from pregnancy-related discharge, and the primary factor that differentiates the two is the time of occurrence.

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Pink Discharge During Pregnancy

Statistics show that as much as 25-30% pregnant women experience pink discharge during pregnancy. While this isn’t a reason of concern in most of the time, it might sometimes indicate a very serious underlying condition, such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Knowing when spotting is normal and when not is critical to knowing when you should seek medical attention. Alternatively, regular checkups can help ensure that there’s nothing wrong down there and that both you and your baby are healthy.

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Clear Discharge During Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, most women tend to pay attention specifically to common pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, frequent urination, constipation and morning sickness. What they don’t know is that one of the simplest ways to identify a potential pregnancy is white clear discharge. It appears as an early sign of pregnancy that occurs within a few weeks after conception./

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