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Discharge During Pregnancy

Cervical Mucus during Pregnancy

A woman can technically determine if she is likely to be pregnant or not on the basis of changes in her cervical mucus. During the menstrual cycle, the cervical mucus changes due to the level of estrogen, progesterone, FSH and luteinizing hormones that occur during the cycle but, once a woman becomes pregnant, new changes in hormones occur. The egg white cervical mucus of ovulation no longer occurs because a woman does not need to ovulate while she is already pregnant.

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Brown discharge during pregnancy can be a serious issue threatening a healthy gestation. Some vaginal bleeding occurring in very early stages of pregnancy could simply indicate a successful implantation of the fertilized egg. However, any bleeding that occurs later on could be due to a critical condition such as separation of the placenta. Regardless of whether the bloody discharge is pink, red or brown in color, bleeding while being pregnant can be a scary and alarming sign. [click to continue…]


Many women report an increasing amount of yellow discharge during pregnancy. While this may be a normal occurrence unless accompanied by itching, swelling, or a fishy smell, yellow discharge while pregnant should be brought to the attention of a specialist as soon as possible for further investigations.

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White Discharge During Early Pregnancy

Experiencing vaginal discharge every now and then is normal, but if you happen to be pregnant, you will notice a lot more discharge than usually. As a matter of fact, milky white discharge is one of the most common signs of pregnancy, and one of the first you should expect to see. There are certain circumstances in which creamy white vaginal discharge may be abnormal, indicating the presence of an infection that needs to be addressed immediately to prevent complications.

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