Menstruation is one of the hassles of being a woman. You could suffer from cramps that can become extremely painful. You tend to get really moody and irritable when it is near your period. Blood stains could ruin your favorite pair of pants. Flow could leak out of your pad at an inconvenient time. You could lose your tampon while it is inserted. You can’t swim without worrying about staining the water. You can’t have sex while you have it. (Well, you could, but it won’t be pretty.)
Light Period
Light spotting in between periods – also known as Intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) – is not uncommon. Many women, if not all, experienced spotting at some point in their lives. It is light bleeding but must not be confused with a light period as spotting vs light period are different. Spotting has minimal bleeding and can be sporadic, normally lasting one to two days; while a light period, has more consistent bleeding that lasts three to five days.
It’s hard to be a woman as it is. Monthly menses give you a wet, uncomfortable feeling for days. A pad could leak. Tampons could get lost inside you. You could stain your favorite pair of pants. You worry if you’re giving off a bloody odor. It could suddenly happen on a much-awaited date night.