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Ovulation Cramps

“Does ovulation cause cramps?”

This isn’t the first time we hear this, nor will it be the last. Yes, ovulation may cause cramps, but when they’re very severe and cause unbearable discomfort, then something more serious must be going on. Since most women experience different degrees of pain, it can be difficult to say for sure if it’s normal, and a visit to your ob-gyn will be the only sure way to identify a potential problem with your reproductive system.

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Cramps During Ovulation

Did you know that you have a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant if you engage in baby-making sex around the time you ovulate?

If you want to conceive, then you’ll certainly want to keep that in mind. The question is, how do you know when you’re ovulating, especially if your periods are irregular? Obviously, there are a couple of symptoms that can get you on the right track. Pay attention to them, and you’ll identify the prime moment for baby-making sex.

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White Discharge Before Period

White discharge is a common premenstrual symptom that affects many women, occurring 2 to 4 days before period. Sometimes, white vaginal discharge may even occur one week before period, going away once the period starts. Most of the time, the white discharge may be accompanied by very mild itching, partially resembling a yeast infection. This is especially normal for teenage girls who have not started their period yet.

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White Discharge While Pregnant

Having a baby is one of the most joyous times in a woman’s life. Anticipating the day you will bring your little one home, picking a name and choosing nursery colors can all make you brim with excitement. But no matter how well you prepare for the baby’s arrival, you may not be fully prepared for the myriad of changes your body will go through. In addition to breast tenderness, frequent urination, and food aversions or cravings, you will also be experiencing white discharge while pregnant, which can make you feel quite uncomfortable.

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