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Other Symptoms

Abnormal Discharge

Every woman experiences abnormal discharge at one point or another in her lifetime. Most of the time, the discharge is caused either by yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis or by more serious conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases. The first thing to do if you have abnormal vaginal discharge is trying to identify the cause by taking note of the pathology of the fluid, as well as other physical symptoms you are experiencing alongside it. The guide below teaches you everything you need to know about abnormal discharge. [click to continue…]

Snot Like Discharge

It is certainly one of the signs, especially if it comes out in amounts greater than before.
However, the only way to be truly sure is through a pregnancy test.

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Types of Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge may be uncomfortable, but it is your body’s way of cleansing and removing old tissues, as well as preventing germs from entering the body.

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Chunky White Discharge

A healthy vagina has many good bacteria and only a small amount of yeast. The most common type of bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, helps keep the growth of yeast under control. When the balance between the two is upset, yeast can growth too much, leading to specific symptoms including chunky white discharge that looks a little like cottage cheese, vaginal itching, swelling and redness, and also pain during urination and sexual intercourse.

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