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Types of Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge may be uncomfortable, but it is your body’s way of cleansing and removing old tissues, as well as preventing germs from entering the body.

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Brown discharge during ovulation is quite normal around the time of ovulation. In several women, this sign can be more helpful than tracking small changes in their body temperature. This type of change in the vaginal fluid pattern will help a woman in knowing when she might be most receptive in getting pregnant. In case you are experiencing any other symptoms such as unusually frequent urination, burning during urination, itching, foul smelling discharge etc, you may want to consult your gynecologist and report your symptoms. These could be a symptom of some type of an infection or in extremely rare cases, brown discharge could indicate something more serious such as cancer.

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Light brown discharge can be described as excess mucus-like fluid produced by the cervix and vaginal walls. Vaginal discharge is a normal and even healthy occurrence since it is the body’s way of cleaning up the vaginal area and maintaining a healthy environment. The discharge is responsible for removing bacteria and dead skin cells from the vaginal area. This self-cleaning mechanism is necessary for keeping infections at bay. [click to continue…]


Brown discharge instead of period can raise several doubts in a woman’s mind. Almost all women will start thinking about the dreadful medical conditions, key reasons and consequences, of brown vaginal discharge instead of a monthly menstrual cycle. However the real question that remains to be answered, is whether dark brown menstrual bleeding really dangerous? It is vital that you determine when a condition is potentially unsafe and in which situations you must consult a doctor.

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