Why is my discharge brown is a common query faced by millions of women worldwide. Often, the discharge color during spotting in between periods, ranges from red to dark brown. A pink blood discharge accompanying spotting in between menstruation, implies dilution. On the other hand, any bleeding in between your period that gives a bright red flow indicates that the blood is fresh and new. A key cause for the brown vaginal spotting between periods becoming evident, is time lag. Any abnormal changes that occur in terms of discharge color, amount, consistency, discomfort, presence of itching, rash, a burning sensation while urinating, presence of odor, heavy bleeding when it is not menstruation time, should be diagnosed by a qualified doctor. [click to continue…]
Brown Discharge

Brown discharge can be nothing more then the presence of old blood from your previous menstrual cycle. However, it could be far worse than that. It may be a sign of serious underlying issues such as a vaginal infection or even cancer. The first thing you must do when you find yourself having trouble with such type of discharge, is to consult your doctor immediately. Your physician will find out the exact cause and suggest available treatment options for your specific condition. [click to continue…]

Brown discharge between periods will imply the time length and pace of blood within the cervix. In general, the menstrual cycle ranges anywhere between 22 to 34 days and averages at 28 days. Spotting between periods is typically a result of old vaginal blood flow after or before your periods. It occurs after the last day of your menstruation cycle and before the start of your next menstrual cycle. There are some cases of vaginal bleeding in between the period cycle that signals towards a more grievous underlying medical condition. These will require prompt intervention.

Brown discharge during ovulation is quite normal around the time of ovulation. In several women, this sign can be more helpful than tracking small changes in their body temperature. This type of change in the vaginal fluid pattern will help a woman in knowing when she might be most receptive in getting pregnant. In case you are experiencing any other symptoms such as unusually frequent urination, burning during urination, itching, foul smelling discharge etc, you may want to consult your gynecologist and report your symptoms. These could be a symptom of some type of an infection or in extremely rare cases, brown discharge could indicate something more serious such as cancer.