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White Discharge

White Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge constitutes an important part of the female reproductive system, serving as a housekeeping function that maintains your vagina clean and healthy.Most of the time, white vaginal discharge is normal and does not indicate an infection unless it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as itching and foul odor. Vaginal discharge constitutes an important part of the female reproductive system, serving as a housekeeping function that maintains your vagina clean and healthy.

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Egg White Discharge

When it comes to vaginal discharge, women can expect to see different variations in hue, odor and consistency throughout their menstrual cycle. Most of the time, the discharge is clear and stretchy, resembling uncooked egg whites, while sometimes it is white and thick, with a consistency that’s very similar to lotions. Usually, vaginal discharge indicates the time in your menstrual cycle, and whether or not you are fertile at the time you experience the mucus.

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Creamy White Discharge

Creamy white discharge is a common happening among women from the stage of puberty till menopause. Once your reproductive system becomes “viable” and ready to function, you will likely experience vaginal discharge to some degree, which may change depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. While most women report a lot of thick white creamy discharge with no odor, others report a frequent white, smelly secretion that is oftentimes cites with a light to heavy odor, as well as a pretty dense consistency.

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White Discharge During Early Pregnancy

Experiencing vaginal discharge every now and then is normal, but if you happen to be pregnant, you will notice a lot more discharge than usually. As a matter of fact, milky white discharge is one of the most common signs of pregnancy, and one of the first you should expect to see. There are certain circumstances in which creamy white vaginal discharge may be abnormal, indicating the presence of an infection that needs to be addressed immediately to prevent complications.

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